Refund policy

Need to return your product you received? No problem!

Bark Begone offers a 60 day refund policy. If you are not completely satisfied with your Bark Begone products, return them for a refund any time within 60 days of purchase (exceptions made for long shipment times).Please note that return shipping is NOT included.

Customer Service: [email protected]

To start the returns process, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line containing: Return Request.

You will then be provided with further RMA instructions.

DO NOT return to the fulfillment warehouse, as they do not handle our returns, and they will be destroyed or returned to sender.

What items are non-refundable?

The following items cannot be returned:

Digital Books (eBooks)

Item arrived damaged or received wrong product

If the package or product arrives damaged, please reach out to us within 14 days of the delivery date and we will provide a replacement item or initiate a return and refund request.

Missing package

If the order tracking shows as delivered, but you never received it, it have may either been a) delivered to wrong address, b) stolen, or c) in rare circumstances the shipping carrier incorrectly marked it as delivered (only to deliver it the following day).

In any event please first contact the shipping carrier to see if they can locate your package, as the package may still show up some days later.